Data Matrix Codes - ISO/IEC 16022
Data Matrix Codes
A Data Matrix Code is a two-dimensional image that stores some kind of information that can be machine read. Some of the worlds most forward thinking companies have been making use of Data Matrix Codes for a number of years now. They have really taken off in Japan and Canada, and they are on the increase in the UK and America.
The number of requests for DataMatrix Codes is on the increase as more and more companies start to understand their true potential, and make use of them to bring increased profits to their businesses.
ISO/IEC 16022
ISO/IEC 16022 is the name of the standard - another name for Data Matrix Codes.
Data Matrix Code Generator
We can generate Data Matrix Codes for your business. A code can contain up to 240 characters.
We charge £10 for a one-off code generation. For this we provide you with five different size codes, so you are free to use them on the web, on your business stationary - however you wish.
Scan the following with your mobile phone for fast Scan2Buy:
(click here to enlarge)
Q) Have you got a mobile phone with a camera, but no barcode reading support?
A) Point your mobile phone web browser at:
After purchase you will be sent an email asking for the text you wish to be turned into the Data Matrix Code.
We will then generate the Data Matrix Code as 5 .gif files and send them to you as attachments on a return email.