HTML 5 Improve Search Engine Rankings

Improve Search Engine Rankings

Improve Search Engine Rankings

If you want to improve your search engine rankings you need to get your website properly structured. You need to be telling the search engines which pages you change and when, so that the search engine can revisit your web pages and re-rank them appropriately. Every webpage on your website will need reviewing. The webpage code needs to be checked to be W3C compliant so that the search engines can read your page correctly.

Improve Search Engine Rankings

The most cost effective way to improve your search engine rankings is to purchase an Optimised Content Management System. Prices start at £250 + VAT. An Optimised Content Management system improves your search engine rankings by giving you the skills of a specialist SEO expert by your side at all times. You are free to change your website anytime you like, and the Optimised Content Management System ensures that the search engines are correctly, automatically and instantly made aware of any changes you make, without you having to waste time. As the search engine ranking algorithms change our SEO experts update the Optimised Content Management System meaning that you automatically have an optimised website changing with the times without costly reviews of your site.

Here are a few samples results of domains we own:

Google Search Engine Rankings

(10 of our top ranking search phrases)Improve Search Engine Rankings
  • optimised websites
  • fast purchasing
  • combat school theft
  • 18004 generator
  • logo comparison
  • iris comparison
  • meal ordering systems
  • website health monitoring
  • bespoke facebook applications
  • image recognition consultancy

Yahoo Search Engine Rankings

(some of our top ranking search phrases) Improve Search Engine Rankings
  • optimised websites
  • digital portraits
  • fast purchasing
  • website analytics
  • mobile ecommerce
  • parent track
  • photo protection
  • logo comparison
  • mobile analytics
  • combat school theft
  • meal ordering systems
  • website health monitoring
  • image recognition consultancy

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